Click Here For Success

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Hi, my name is Bob, and I bring wonderful news: you can now simply click here for success. You may know me from various scourges that have plagued the earth since the advent of broadband.

I was once like you: tired, overworked, chasing success 24/7 but never seeming to get any closer to it – no matter what I tried. But since I became Dark Lord Kieckhefer of the Fourth Order of Necromancers, I haven’t looked back.

And now I want to help you too.

My new life has given me a freedom I could only dream about before. Now I want that for you

I know why you’re here. You crave success but you want to skip the boring part where you actually do stuff. You’ve tried having a virtual assistant, but they need too much oversight and instruction. If only there was a way of cloning yourself, you have often joked.

That day is here.

Think And Grow Lich is the only automated system on the market today for those who want to create their own course about how to sell your course on how to market a course. This blog post is a one-time only SPECIAL OFFER: for 100% off the regular price of $5,000 you can get all the secrets without making those twelve easy payments!

I gave myself one simple goal: create the product that I would want if I wasn't already a powerful Necromancer. Think And Grow Lich is that dream made flesh - Bob.

Have you been slaving away without much reward? Are you sick of putting in all the time and effort to learn something when you could have just skipped that step? You need Think And Grow Lich.

Using our patented SkullMasque technology, we can map your flexible ethics and ruthless approach directly onto the neural patterns of your own newly raised undead army, who will then spam customers on your behalf so you can relax on the beach and write disingenuous articles about how you made your money!

Donna makes the most awesome squeeze pages, and hiring her was a breeze. They don't even lock graveyards anymore.

Soon you too will be publishing books which are little more than glorified lead-generation exercises, funneling thousands of unsuspecting writers into endless squeeze pages, like some kind of giant ClickFunnel-filled Esophagus of Doom.

One of my team, setting up a fake countdown clock for tomorrow's webinar which isn't live anyway.

Here’s the best part: you don’t even need to be a necromancer. Why bother spending a decade or more learning how to communicate with the deceased and reanimate their corpses when you can hire a ghost to do it for you?

Warning: may contain traces of regret.

David Gaughran

David Gaughran

Born in Ireland, he now lives in a little fishing village in Portugal, although this hasn’t increased the time spent outside. He writes novels under another name, has helped thousands of authors build a readership with his books, blogs, workshops, and courses, and has created marketing campaigns for some of the biggest self-publishers on the planet. Friend to all dogs.